Start Your Year Up Right with These Healthy Resolutions

Jan 20, 2017Physical Therapy0 comments

To kick off, I want to say that thinking about resolutions as promises that were made to be broken is going to undermine any changes you try to make.  So, don’t think of making resolutions that way.  It’s negative.  Let’s be positive!  Let’s talk about the word “resolution”.

When we set out to achieve a goal, we need resolve.  We need to be firmly invested in reaching the goal.  So, a resolution is really a promise you make to yourself.  Do you think breaking promises you make to yourself is any way to live?  I don’t.  When you keep your promises to yourself, you’re building a better quality of life.

Start your year up right with these healthy resolutions and experience remarkable changes – increased energy, elevated wellbeing and pride in your achievements.  If that sounds good, read on.


If this sound like a “no brainer”, I should share this with you – I need to tell almost every patient I see to do this.  Seriously.  Water is life, but too many people neglect adequate hydration.  Instead, they choose sugary soft drinks that do absolutely nothing for their bodies and may serve to exacerbate existing conditions, like high blood sugar and weight gain.

Hydration is crucial to the health of your spine.  Our bodies are mostly water, for starters.  For the spine, hydration is important to provide fluid to the discs, because these are your spine’s shock absorbers.  Good hydration not only supports disc health, but the health of the entire organism – your skin, internal organs, tendons, muscles and even your brain.

Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water, every day.  It takes time to develop the habit, but when you experience the change in the way you feel, hydration will become a pillar of your lifestyle.


Again, it’s common knowledge that exercise is an important support for overall health.  But so many people neglect this crucial lifestyle habit. The human body was made to move.  Exercising at least 5 times a week, even if it’s just a half hour, brisk walk will help you sleep better, improve your muscle tone and increase your energy levels.

Find the form of exercise you like best and know you’ll feel happy about doing and you will experience almost immediate change in the way you feel.

Good posture.

The way we configure our bodies when we stand, sit and walk is pivotal to spine health.  Examine the way you sit.  Are you slouching?  Are you not getting up enough to stretch, or walk around?  You can reform your posture with some body awareness and a little thought about how sitting is affecting your spine health.

The same goes for standing.  Is your chin poking out?  Do you have a sway back when you stand?  Again, awareness is everything.  Strengthening the right muscle groups will also support better posture. You’ll be standing tall and feeling great once you master good posture.

Start your year up right with these healthy resolutions.  Contact us to learn more.

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