Coffee Has Been Shown To Lower the Risk of Certain Types of Cancer

Jun 4, 2017Physical Therapy0 comments

For years, we were told we shouldn’t eat butter.  Now, we’re told it beats margarine for its health benefits and that margarine is not a great thing to eat.  Every time you turn around, it seems that longstanding myths are being busted.  The health risk traditionally associated with drinking caffeinated beverages is another example.

Judicious consumption of coffee has been shown to lower the risk of certain types of cancer, among other attractive benefits.  That’s good news for those us who enjoy a good cup of java.  In moderate amounts, coffee can help us beat one of the most insidious health risks known to humanity.

Let’s look at what studies have discovered about this benefit of coffee.

2-6 cups a day keep the doctor away.

two cups of coffeeWhat hasn’t been taken into account in the past is the presence of powerful antioxidants in coffee.  These fight the effects of free radicals which lead to decline in our body’s systems and premature aging.  Recent studies are saying that regular coffee consumption can help prevent cancer.

So, if you love coffee – drink up!  To prevent cancers in the mouth and head, 4 cups are said to do the trick.  For women concerned about uterine cancer, all that’s needed is two cups a day to create a preventative effect.

Prostate cancer can be held at bay by men who consume up to 6 cups of java every day.  And here’s a big one – colon cancer.  Just 2 cups a day can reduce the risk of this silent killer by 25%.  Patients who’ve undergone surgery for colon cancer are recommended 4 cups a day to reduce their risk of the cancer returning.

Another type of cancer affecting predominantly women is that of the breast.  2 cups of coffee per day can delay onset, or prevent the disease altogether.  A Swedish study found that patients who’d undergone surgery could reduce their chances of early recurrence by almost 50%, by drinking 4 cups per day.

And the last one may surprise you – lung cancer.  Caffeine inhibits the production of proteins found in cancer cells in the lungs, preventing cell growth.

In all things in moderation.

Moderation is a beautiful word and one which should always be applied.  Moderation (except where prescribed by a physician) is always a good approach to take to any good thing.

Those who suffer from allergies, or who have difficulties metabolizing coffee, should take these factors into account.  As with anything else, medical consultation is required before embarking on a program of using any substance, whether pharmaceutical in origin or not.

Back & Body Medical is an award-winning clinic specializing in the delivery of multi-disciplinarian care for the relief of pain.  We offer care drawn from four distinct medical disciplines: chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy and sports medicine, bringing patients a one-stop pain relief solution.

We’re committed to offering our patients leading edge care, drawing on treatments and therapies proven effective by the evidence provided by research.  Contact us to book an appointment.

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