Watch Your Back—and Enjoy the Summer

Jun 22, 2018Lifestyle0 comments

It’s so tempting after a long, cloistered winter, to throw yourself into summer activities without a thought to the health of your back.

But tempting as that proposal may be, if you haven’t been very active all winter long, then you need to set yourself some ground rules to enjoy the summer mindfully and with a back that’s happy and cooperative when it comes to summer fun.

Watch your back – and enjoy the summer.  It’s a good rule of thumb for everyone, but it’s especially good for those of you who have cleaved to the couch during the months of gloom, cold and rarely venturing from the cave.

Read some of my top tips for keeping your back happy this summer season.

Prepare your body for summer action

Planning on jumping in the lake?  Hiking a local mountain?  Ring toss?  Give your back a break by preparing it with some light activity, like walking and stretching.  Your muscles may be tight after the sedentary season of winter, so give them a break by letting them know you care.

Water is your buddy

Water is the best medium for reconditioning a body that’s been out of commission for a while.  It offers buoyancy, so everything you do in the water is low impact.  The gentleness of exercising in water is accompanied by resistance created by the weight of the water around you, so it’s also highly effective.

You’ll feel great, as your muscles are given an opportunity to relax and regenerate as you splash around.  This is a fantastic way to ease yourself into the increased activity experienced during the summer months.

Mind your feet

Far too many of us pay little attention to the state of our feet.  But we need them!

That’s why it’s important to choose the right summer footwear.  I know people love flip flops.  They’re an icon of warm weather and they’re easy.  What they aren’t is supportive.

Instead, choose a sandal or sports shoe that offers support for your feet.  Flip flops don’t do that.  Choose something which holds your foot in place over the sole and which offers good traction to avoid slips and falls which can result in back injuries.

A cork-core sandal is a great solution.  These absorb shock, which rubber doesn’t do.  Choose a pair of sandals that will walk with you through the summer and support the health of your back.

Don’t push it

A cycling vacation in Holland may sound enticing, but are you ready?  Before going, think about conditioning your body and preparing it by riding regularly.  When you’re prepared, you’re much less likely to injury yourself while on vacation.

Be sure to be kind to yourself by allowing for frequent breaks, if you’re planning an active vacation that involves physical activity.  You may believe you’re ready, but your body may disagree and that can cost you a quality vacation.

Finally, to make your summer even more enjoyable, consider visiting me to align your spine.  A happy spine supports a happy summer.  Contact me!

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