How to Lift Weights Safely

Oct 1, 2019Lifestyle0 comments

Weight lifting is one of the key activities at most gyms. We see many patients who have injured themselves through improper lifting techniques or lifting while already injured and the activity has worsened their condition. So as a reminder, we thought it would be good to put together a quick checklist of some of the things you should and shouldn’t do when lifting weights.

Proper Stance

Most experienced lifters should already know this, but it never hurts to go back over the correct stance and technique. Continued use of a coach can prove invaluable in this, and is great for ironing out any habits that may have crept in. Start with no weights to be sure that your stance and technique is correct before loading up.

Strength Training

Continued conditioning of your body is essential and you can do two to three sets of 8-15 repetitions 3 times a week to build strength up.


Rest is vital in anything and lifting weights and going to the gym is no exception. Allow your body a couple of days a week to recover.

Strengthening Program

A strengthening program to give all major muscles groups a good workout along with aerobic type exercise also helps to improve and develop your body.

Before & After Training

Always give yourself a good 15 minute warm up and cool down every time you train to lessen any type of injury.


Drink the appropriate amount of water to keep hydrated and eat proper nutrition for your optimal results.

Some Things Not to Do

Do not powerlift or body build until proper maturity (this one is aimed at the younger generation & teens)
No performance enhancing substances
Always seek medical advice before undertaking any form of training, particularly if you have a medical history of heart problems, hypertension and so on.

One Thing to Certainly Do

If you experience any pain while training, stop what you are doing. No pain, no gain does not mean you break through injury barriers.

If you have pain and injured, come in and see us right away. Our sports medicine doctors are trained specifically to help your injuries and help you return to proper fitness by helping you heal the right way and get you back into a proper training routine.

Schedule an appointment or download our mobile booking app. Enter clinic ID FQUNCG.

See here for more details.

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