Why Wearing Face Masks is Important

May 8, 2020Lifestyle0 comments

There seems to be a lot of conflicting opinions on the wearing of face masks, but the bottom line is, here in New Jersey, we are required to wear them when out at stores as well as maintaining the social distancing.

Face masks are worn by all staff, doctors and therapists alike here at Back and Body Pain Relief in Springfield. We adhere to CDC guidelines and thoroughly clean and disinfect between patient visits to ensure a clean and healthy environment.

What ever you personally feel about face masks, they do help reduce the possibility of passing on or receiving infection. It has been observed that a single cough can produce 3000 droplets which spray over a wide area. Now imagine what a sneeze can do as that exists the human body at over 100mph.

It’s important for the time being to maintain wearing of face masks until such time we have an effective way of controlling the virus, so when choosing a face mask, it’s important to find one that:

Is comfortable to wear

If you wear glasses, this is particularly important. Masks with elastic that hooks around the ears can be problematic when wearing glasses at the same time. Also, if you have to wear it for hours on end, masks where elastic wraps around the head may be better for you as elastic around the ears for too long could end up chaffing.

Facial hair

More for men this one, but it might be a good idea to trim the beard if you have one. When you wear your mask, your facial hairs are going to cause gaps between the fabric and your face. This doesn’t create a good seal and so you could potentially see droplets escape or enter.

Ensure you can breath

This is quite an important point. Depending on the type of mask you use, whether it’s a simple bandanna or a full on N95 quality, you obviously need to be able to breath well. While the quality of mask will vary depending on the type, the thicker the material, the less chance of droplets getting in and out, but this will impact the ability to breath well or not. So if it is a hand made mask, try and balance this out the best you can.

And finally, when you do wear a face mask, wear it so it covers your nose as well. Many people seem to be wearing a mask covering their mouth, yet are leaving their noses exposed. Guess what? Those same droplets can enter and exit here as well.

Remember, at Back & Body Pain Relief, we are always wearing face masks for yours and our safety. They won’t work 100%, but they will help reduce the chances of exposure to the virus greatly.

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