Spinal Manipulation Is Effective for Relieving Low Back Pain

Aug 9, 2017Physical Therapy0 comments

Low back pain is a common ailment.  At some point in our lives, most of us will battle it.  If you’re suffering from low back pain, it’s important that you make lifestyle changes to support the health of your lower back.

This includes strengthening the core muscles (which support muscles in the back and the spine, itself) and becoming generally more active.  Consideration should also be given to the mattress you’re sleeping on and whether it’s providing the support your back needs.

Medical massage and physical therapy can also be helpful, but spinal manipulation is effective for relieving low back pain and many patients are turning to it for help.

Chiropractic spinal manipulation.

As a chiropractor, I’ve been able to help many of my patients with spinal manipulation.  Of course, when someone comes to me complaining of low back pain, I always ask what they’ve done on their own to relieve it.  I also want to know what other therapies have been applied to address the pain.

All this is important information which informs treatment.  But because chiropractic addresses the whole person and is rooted in my relationship with the patient, I also play an advisory role.

In tandem with spinal manipulation, I will work with the patient to establish a routine of strengthening exercises, as well as stretching.  Many who suffer from low back pain tend to lead sedentary lives.  Not being active enough can lead to muscle atrophy in key areas.

When this occurs, patients are more likely to experience low back pain.  And it’s a vicious circle, because people in pain don’t generally feel they’re up to an exercise routine.  So, that’s where I start.  Spinal manipulation allows me to offer my patients relief.  In that relief are the seeds of a less sedentary lifestyle.

Multi-disciplinarian approach.

At Back & Body Medical, our model is one of multi-disciplinarian, diversified care that treats the individual.  We don’t believe in cookie cutters here.  One size does not fit all.  That why we tailor our pain relief plans to the patient.

Spinal manipulation is effective for relieving low back pain, but it’s sometimes the case that it’s most effective when applied in concert with other therapeutic strategies.  At our facility, our doctors and therapists practice four distinct disciplines.  Chiropractic is complemented by physical therapy, acupuncture, and sports medicine.

By creatively combining treatment models, the clinicians at Back & Body support each other’s efforts, finding the ideal complex of therapies for every patient.

For some, spinal manipulation, supported by patient lifestyle changes to prevent reoccurrence, is all that’s required.  For others, the answer to their low back pain is more complex.  At Back & Body, patients have access to a broad range of therapies in one clinic.

Nobody wants to shuttle between specialists’ offices when they’re in pain.  With Back & Body, they don’t need to.

Spinal manipulation is proven effective for relieving low back pain.  At Back & Body, you’ll find a team at your disposal, ready to help. Contact us.

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