Spinal Decompression Therapy – Stop Pain & Avoid Surgery

Nov 27, 2017Physical Therapy0 comments

spinal decompression therapy

I often discuss what an excellent support chiropractic care is for pain and to help you avoid surgery.  This post is dedicated to spinal decompression therapy and how it’s a contemporary answer to traditional traction.

I know a lot of people don’t like that word (traction), but spinal decompression is very different from this earlier model.

Let’s examine this pain relief tool and see if it might be a fit for you.

Non-invasive and gentle.

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical alternative to interventions like laminectomy and microdiscectomy.  It’s much gentler than earlier forms of traction and completely painless.

Extraordinarily effective for neck and low back pain, spinal decompression therapy may be exactly what you need to stop pain and avoid surgery.  It’s a non-invasive treatment option which has helped so many.

The process.

Spinal decompression follows the same principles as the earlier model.  By creating conditions in the spinal column which serve to expedite healing, this treatment relieves the pain associated with compression of the vertebrae.

Negative pressure created by the therapy allows material protruding from herniated discs to retract.  When the gel-like substance inside a vertebral disc is compressed, it will sometimes bulge (becoming what’s referred to as a herniation) causing it to be forced outward from the hard casing protecting it.  This treatment allows that substance to go back to doing what it’s supposed to do – cushioning your vertebrae from shock.

During the process, the patient’s spine is gently pulled and then allowed to relax, at intervals, using a medical device designed expressly for the purpose.  The treatment creates pressure inside the discs, which permits retraction of the disc material we talked about above.  Crucial nutrients required for recovery are permitted to enter and these nutrients help to speed healing.

With the earlier model of traction, the spine was pulled steadily.  Spinal decompression therapy is intermittent, meaning the pulling action is punctuated by periods of relaxation.

Stop pain and avoid surgery.

A chiropractor’s work is about much more than inducing dramatic cracking sounds.  While that’s the popular conception of chiropractic, those who count on chiropractors to stop pain and avoid surgery tell a different tale.

Spinal decompression therapy is one of the many modalities I deploy, as a chiropractor.  I work with multiple therapies and techniques, used to treat conditions as diverse as plantar fasciitis, migraines and herniated discs.

Spinal decompression therapy can help you stop pain and avoid surgery and your chiropractor can support you in gaining a better understanding of your body mechanics.  But at Back & Body Medical, I work as part of a team.

Back & Body Medical.

Back & Body is an award-winning facility dedicated to pain relief through conservative treatments.  Uniting chiropractic, sports medicine, physical therapy and acupuncture, our team of clinicians builds personalized therapeutic programs, addressing patients individually.

Spinal decompression therapy – stop pain and avoid surgery is a brief overview of this effective treatment.  Ready to talk about it? Contact us and get relief from pain.   Start enjoying life again!

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