Springfield Chiropractor says Opioid Crisis Might Be Worse than You Think

Apr 7, 2018Lifestyle0 comments

Springfield Chiropractor says Opioid Crisis Might Be Worse than You Think

The opioid crisis in the country is extremely big in the news right now, and you may have heard of it. Addictions vary from illegal drugs to even prescription drugs. This is very tragic, and based on various studies done, it is a lot worse than we think. A study done by Jama in May 2017 looked at the FDA drug approvals from the years between 2001 and 2010. The study states that 1/3 of all the drugs cleared by the FDA had safety issues after their approval.

222 drugs were approved during this time: three were withdrawn, 61 were given box warnings, and 59 were cleared as safe.

Medications with the most safety issues were located in the biologics sections. These are psychiatric drugs approved through the accelerated process done by the FDA.

Medicines are essential and have a vital role in helping and curing people, but it should not go unnoticed that they have risks. Regarding back or neck pain, pain medication can be a good temporary dox, but should not be used in longevity. While taking medication, your back problems should be investigated to determine the cause and treated accordingly.

Sadly, many do not follow this protocol call which results in addiction. Our services here at Springfield chiropractic are conservative and do not involve opioid drugs. For example, chiropractic treatment targets to decompress joints and help them function correctly. Cold laser therapy treats inflammation and soft tissue injuries by increasing the blood flow and healing he area. Active release technique (ART) combines medical massage and patient movements and reveal problem areas and remove scar tissue that makes for pain and disabled movement. All of these treatments are meant to help your body heal itself without the use of opioids. There are many more opioid and surgical free options that we offer which will help relieve your pain.

If you are struggling and can’t get relief, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with New Jersey’s Springfield Chiropractic.



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