Slouching – What Should Be Done About it? NJ Chiro Explains

Jun 1, 2018Lifestyle0 comments

In today’s day and age, slouching is a big problem for many people, especially office workers in big cities. Technology does not help this problem. Slouching happens when we work at our computers from our desk, and by looking down at our cell phones. These both out pressure on the neck, which causes poor posture. This is very bad for our necks and backs, and even other body parts are affected by this.

Poor posture not only affects our necks and backs, but even our insides. Slouching puts immense pressure and pushes on our organs. This can have a negative effect on how our organs function. It even affects our digestion. Constipation, heart burn, and all around discomfort are side effects of this.

Along with our organs, breathing is affected. Slouching over prevents the maximum amount of air that can be inhaled. For example, when you look at professional musicians, they are always seated in an up right position with a straight back in order to take in a sufficient amount of air. This works to help their performance rather than just looking better.

Not only are their physical effects, but mental as well. Your mood can be affected by your posture. Studies show that sitting slouched over makes you more susceptible to bad moods and depression. You can become more fatigued and lethargic/ unhealthy feelings increase.

Work performance is affected likewise. Big companies all around are beginning to bring in standing stations in which workers stand and do their work rather than sitting and slouching. These new sitting stations improve work progress, decreases tiredness, and helps people maintain better postures. Sick days called out are also at a lesser rate with these standing stations. All of these things combined make for a better employee, employer, and a better, healthier person in general.

Correct posture leads to many other health benefits, and in general makes a person feel better. This improves confidence and healthiness.

Slouching is clearly bad for you and we here at Springfield Chiropractic can help to correct your bad posture into good posture.

Do you have pain from slouching? Springfield Chiropractic is here to help you. We will not only treat and correct your posture, but we will educate you and give you exercises that will help you to maintain a good posture. This will provide you with pain relief and better health in general.

Make an appointment with us now at Springfield Chiropractic. We are here to help you overcome your pain for good. Call us (908) 325 – 3000 and let us help you to become pain free.

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