How Athletes Can Take their Training to the Next Level Pt 1 – Back and Body NJ

Jun 29, 2018Lifestyle0 comments

How Athletes Can Take their Training to the Next Level Pt 1

We see tons of athletes at Back and Body NJ. Treating them is one of our key services here, as we help both professional and amateur athletes recover from their back pain. We also educate our patients so they can stay injury free.

Dr. Craig Leibenson of LA Sports and Spine recently made a post that intrigued us here at Back and Body NJ. The article was packed full of great information, so I am just going to give a main synopsis. In short, the article talked about the developing of an athlete with all of the typical athlete elements. An amateur athlete would mostly focus on strengths, while in the professional athletic world, you should focus on the following in this order: speed, power, strength, agility, flexibility, and endurance. So that leaves for professionals to have a more advanced strength than an average amateur. For example, an amateur golfers swing speed would be about 50-90 mph, where as a pro golfers exceeds 130 mph. This impressive power takes building on strength and speed.

Another example follows a boxer. They may have the strongest punch, but if he lacks the speed, then the strength is basically useless. The speed is what gives the extra power and ‘punch.’ So aside from only focusing on strength, giving speed some time allows for a more successful athlete.

Dr Liebenson talked to several experts in the field regarding weight training and how to receive the greatest results.

Basically, he found that it doesn’t really matter how much a person can lift, but what does matter is the maximum amount a person can lift while doing quick reps. An athlete can be taken to that next level by having that energy and burst. The rush that comes from that pushes the body to work extra hard and give the X factor to the workout. This helps an athlete be the absolute best they can be, and gets them to the top.

Using this tactic can really set apart an athlete, and make a difference of getting seconds place to first place.  

In the next article, Back and Body NJ will show you some great exercises that will help you to strengthen this area and become the best athlete you can be.

Remember, if you are having any pain, come see us at Back and Body NJ. We can help with your pain and educate you to help you remain pain free. Call us (908) 325 – 3000.

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