Back and Body NJ Talks Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Jul 6, 2018Carpal Tunnel Syndrome0 comments

When people think carpal tunnel syndrome, their minds usually go to people who do lots of computer or assembly line work. What most people actually don’t know is that many athletes are prone to carpal tunnel syndrome. Back and Body NJ is going to explain this to you.

Some sports require a hard grip, repetition, and not a lot of breaks like golf, tennis, cycling, and baseball. This can affect the soft tissues in the wrist and their ability to do their job. The median nerve gets pressure built on it over time, and causes carpal tunnel syndrome and it’s symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be caused by any sort of trauma to the wrist.

To diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome, a large group of tests must be done. The patient’s history and symptoms and put together to create the tests, and a diagnosis can be made. It is also possible that carpal tunnel syndrome co exists with other conditions that seem like the syndrome. The tests conducted can figure out if this is the case or not.

At Back and Body NJ, we perform adjustments to ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. These can be done in the wrist, elbow, shoulders, and neck, which run across the median nerve. Other treatments include: wearing a wrist splint, anti inflammatories, and modifications to the sport or job. Specific exercises can also be given to for a patient to perform at home.

If you are having any type of pain, including wrist pain, give us a call at Back and Body NJ. It is important with carpal tunnel syndrome to not wait it out. Seek help right away. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of those injuries that if treated right away, it’s easier to get under control. So the first signs of pain, call us (908) 325 – 3000 and let us help you.

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