Helpful Exercises to Reduce Hip Pain

Mar 15, 2019Legs0 comments

Hip pain can not only be debilitating, it can rob you of your mobility.  Millions of Americans encounter hip problems and not all are older.  Accidents and conditions like dysplasia and bursitis can have a profound impact on the integrity of the hip joints.

But not all hip pain is in immediate need of surgery.  It’s often the case that it can be addressed with conservative therapies, including self-help and maintaining mobility with a daily exercise program.

This post is to share some helpful exercises to reduce hip pain, so you can maintain join mobility and quality of life.

Start Your Day Right

Getting off to a good start in the morning tends to set the tone for the rest of the day.  So, when you’re living with hip pain, the best way to set that tone is with supportive exercise.

You’re probably reading this thinking you don’t have enough time – that your mornings are too chaotic to accommodate morning exercise.  But how important is feeling better to you?

That’s the question you need to answer.  If it’s important enough that you reduce the pain that may be impacting your life in unpleasant ways, then you’ll make time.  You’ll re-jig your schedule, getting to bed a little earlier, so you can rise a little earlier in the morning.


Bridging is one of the most useful exercises for people with hip pain.  This simple exercise uses the weight of your body, without the aid of equipment.  You can do it lying on a Yoga mat, or even on your mattress.

Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart, place your arms at your sides.  Try to keep your knees and ankles aligned, vertically.

Push up with your hips while engaging your abdominal muscles and tightening your buttocks.  Raise your hips until they’re in line with the rest of your upper body, thighs and knees, forming a straight line.  Don’t arch your back.  Keep your core engaged to prevent this.

Start with 10 reps, holding for a count of 5.  Once you’ve built up to about 20 reps, add an exercise ball between your knees.  At the apex of the bridge, gently squeeze the ball between your knees as you count to 5.

Bursitis Stretch

The bursae are what line your hip joint.  Stretching the muscles over them can provide relief from bursitis pain (when the bursae are inflamed).

You can do this one anywhere.  Kneel on the leg with the painful hip, steadying yourself on a heavy piece of furniture.  Once you’re down, gently push your pelvis forward while tightening your glutes.  As you do so, lean away from the bent leg.

This will provide a stretch extending from the top of the hip bone to your knee, all the way down the side of your leg.  Hold this stretch for a count of 30 and repeat.

Starting with these two simple exercises will encourage you to continue adding to your morning routine.

Got hip pain? Contact Back & Body for multi-disciplinarian pain relief.

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