Can You Get Tinnitus from Whiplash?

Aug 26, 2019Chiropractic Care0 comments

Tinnitus is a condition whereby the sufferer hears phantom sounds in their ears or head. While some 1 in 10 Americans suffer from it on a chronic basis, including many veterans, it remains an engima and there is currently no known cure. It’s often attributed as symptoms from some other condition, which makes it doubly difficult to treat as if the other condition isn’t know, then it cannot be treated. However, many cases of tinnitus can be attributed to something, like trauma or through a car accident as a symptom from whiplash.

Thankfully, in these cases, treatment can help and perhaps even eradicate the problem altogether.

You may be surprised to hear that an accident occurring at speeds as low as 8mph even, can produce whiplash injuries and thus lead to tinnitus forming as a side effect. Many other symptoms of whiplash have a lot in common with concussion (of which tinnitus is a common symptom also) and it led to a study being undertaken to look at the effects of chiropractic care on both sufferers of concussion.

While the study group was minimal at 5 patients, all 5 experienced positive results after undergoing chiropractic treatment with all symptoms decreasing and this included tinnitus being reduced also.

So it stands to reason that chiropractic care also can help patients suffering whiplash injuries and their associated symptoms, again including tinnitus. In fact, chiropractic care may be able to help patients who suffer from tinnitus without any known reason for the condition.

If you are a tinnitus sufferer, why not try chiropractic care to see it helps reduce the sound in your ears? At the very least you will have a good adjustment and get your back and neck realigned. Chiropractors are able to provide cervical adjustments that not only help with neck pain and whiplash but may also help any issues relating to tinnitus.

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