Come in and Use Your Insurance Visits Up Before the End of the Year

Oct 1, 2019Chiropractic Care0 comments

Why should you maximize your health insurance? What are the benefits to you and  how can you get the most out of it?

You’ve Already Paid for them

That’s right. Your insurance premiums you have paid are already paying for these visits, so why not take advantage? No doubt your insurance is expensive and it’s always good to get value for money, so take advantage of this fact and have some adjustments or physical therapy. Your body will feel better for it.

Preventative Care

We talk a lot about what to do when you are in pain, but not a lot about ways to prevent yourself getting into pain in the first place. Having regular physical therapy or chiropractic care is a great way of ensuring you keep pain at bay on a maintenance type schedule. Compare your body to your car. You regularly get it serviced and checked over to ensure it will work as it should, don’t you? So why not with your body. Keeping in good shape and good physical condition with the aid of chiropractic care is a fantastic way to help prevent back and neck pain to begin with.

So if you have plenty of visits left on your insurance, come in and get adjusted and feel great again. There’s only 12 weeks or so left of the year.

If You Are In Pain Now

You wouldn’t believe the number of patients who have been suffering with chronic pain and not doing anything about it until it does become unbearable for them. By this point, it is harder to treat because the symptoms have set in and it takes longer to provide relief.

So if you started treatment now and you have say, 26 visits that your insurance will pay for, then you only have 12 weeks to use them up. So you’d need to come in twice a week to get full benefits but perhaps your schedule won’t allow for that? While we will absolutely work to treat your condition to get you out of pain as quickly as possible, you may find that the end of the year has come and you’ll need to eat into next year’s visits that are covered by insurance.

So use them up as efficiently as you can.

The old saying prevention is better than cure. If we can help prevent back or neck pain through chiropractic care or physical therapy, we are ahead of the game. Think about this… top athletes and football players and other sports people all use chiropractic care to help them out of pain and then use it on a maintenance basis to help them stay out of pain!

In pain? Want a tune up?

Schedule an appointment or download our mobile booking app. Enter clinic ID FQUNCG.

See here for more details.

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