What’s the Best Sleep Position for These Conditions – Part 1

Feb 10, 2020Lifestyle0 comments

Did you know that sleep posture plays a detrimental part in your overall orthopedic health? We are asleep for just about a third of our lives, and sleep has been proven to heal our bodies. If sleeping in a funky position, you might be doing more damage than you think.

That’s why Back and Body Pain Relief, Springfield is going to give you three tips on how to improve your sleeping if you experience any of these common orthopedic issues. You deserve to live pain free. This is the first of two articles about sleeping the best way for certain common conditions.

Rotator Cuff Syndrome:

Did you know that rotator cuff syndrome is caused by sleeping with the arm in the overhead position of the shoulder impingement? Luckily, Back and Body Springfield has a solution for you. Be sure to avoid sleeping on your affected side. You can also place a pillow between your arm for extra support, and just in case sometime in the night you turn over to the affected side.

Neck Pain:

Most people experience or have experienced neck pain. I bet you didn’t know that sleep position is a major cause of neck pain. Neck pain could be caused by either side sleeping, or pillow height. Pillow height forces static compression to the cervical structures, which can be extremely painful. Be sure to choose a pillow which allows your neck to remain in a neutral position; not too high, but not too low, and try sleep on your back if possible.

Tennis Elbow:

Sleeping with your affected tennis elbow under a pillow creates wrist extensor compression. Sleep with your arms in a neutral side position to avoid further damaging your tennis elbow.

Sleep position plays a huge part in your orthopedic health. We at Back and Body Pain Relief, Springfield always provide specific information along with our treatments to help fix your condition and live pain free. If you are experiencing any of these problems, don’t hesitate to come in and visit us.

If you’re in pain right now, if you don’t have to be. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online. We also accept insurance. You can Schedule an appointment here.


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