What’s the Best Sleep Position for These Conditions – Part 2

Feb 10, 2020Lifestyle0 comments

When thinking in terms of orthopedic issues, no one seems to think about sleep posture. Well, Back and Body Pain Relief in Springfield is here to tell you that sleep posture could be causing your orthopedic issues. We don’t want you to suffer in pain, so we will be going over three common orthopedic issues, and look at their relation with sleep posture. Continue reading to find out how to relieve your pain. This forms the second article on this topic, with the first being found here.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS):

Sleeping in a fetal position with your wrist or wrists tucked under themselves is the major cause of CTS. CTS can be very painful and annoying, causing numbness or a tingly feeling in the hand and up the arm. It is very preventable though. If this is an issue for you, Back and Body Springfield can provide you with a brace to wear while you sleep to keep your wrist straight.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome:

Similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome is also caused by sleeping in a fetal position, but with the elbow flexed under. Back and Body Springfield can also provide you with a brace to wear that will prevent your elbow from bending past a 45 degree angle while you sleep.

Gluteal Tendinopathy:

Gluteal tendinopathy is caused by side sleeping. Side sleeping puts pressure on the lateral hip, which in turn causes gluteal pain. If this is an issue you’re experiencing, try either sleeping on your back, or with a pillow in between your knees to take the pressure off.

We recommend that if you are experiencing any of these orthopedic issues, that you come in and be evaluated at Back and Body Pain Relief in Springfield to rule out any other causes. In the meantime, try these tips to help improve your sleep posture, and don’t hesitate to call and make an appointment.

If you’re in pain right now, if you don’t have to be. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online. We also accept insurance. You can Schedule an appointment here.

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