Headache Treatment in Springfield

Mar 9, 2020Neck Pain0 comments

The Best Headache Treatment in Springfield

Headaches are a common occurrence among the population. Almost half the population is affected by headaches, and ¼ of these headaches are cervicogenic. These are caused by a loss of cervical spine function, and can be as bad as migraine headaches. Fortunately, there is hope through headache treatment in Springfield.

Most cervicogenic headache patients that we see are those who present with neck stiffness and tenderness. “CGH is unilateral without side shift, but in some cases, the condition may present bilaterally.” Pain usually begins in the cervical spine and can travel to various locations such as occipital, temporal, frontal, or supraorbital regions. Sometimes, pain will be in the ipsilateral arm. Pain may last for days and can be described as deep but not throbbing.

The good news is that chiropractic treatment can help prevent and stop these headaches from occurring. Headache treatment Springfield uses spinal manipulation therapy as a main tool for cervicogenic headaches, which has been proven to be highly effective. A long term resolution may require some more methods than SMT alone.

Here are just three ways that our headache treatment in Springfield can help.

While SMT works greatly and effectively against cervicogenic headaches, we have gathered three more ways that you can help relieve cervicogenic headaches.

  • First, we recommend screening for neck flexor weakness with the Neck Flexion Test. This will show us how much strength you have lost in your deep neck flexors.
  • Second comes treatment. We recommend nerve flossing. The greater occipital nerve is usually implicated in CGH. “The obliquus capitis inferior remains relatively immobile during traumatic events, like whiplash injuries, placing strain as a tethering point on the greater occipital nerve.” To solve this, neural mobilization and soft tissue techniques will be performed.
  • Finally, did you know that normal daily life can be causing CGH? It is important to do the personalized exercises that we give you as well as SMT to relieve headaches and prevent them from returning. Be sure when at your desk or using your cell phone that you are correctly aligned and your head is not hanging forwards.

Come visit us today and let our headache treatment in Springfield help your headaches.

If you’re in pain right now, if you don’t have to be. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online. We also accept insurance. You can Schedule an appointment here.

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