Keep Active During the COVID19 Shutdown

Mar 24, 2020Lifestyle0 comments

The COVID19 is really affecting life and while we are in a state of shutdown, key services such as Back & Body Pain Relief in Springfield are still open and helping patients. We encourage patients who are suffering in pain to seek our help as places like urgent care and ER are currently overrun with the sick. We have a part to play in helping support our healthcare system, but we can only do this with patient’s co-operation.

However, this post is going to focus more on how to keep yourself in as good shape as possible within your own home. We’ve outlined a few things you can do to stay in shape and help yourself to defend any infections by remaining fit and healthy.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Staying hydrated is vital at the best of times, but moreso now than ever. Drink plenty of water as this will help wash down any germs or viral infections before they have a chance to attach themselves. Let your stomach acids kill them.

Drinking warm water, gargling with salt water and having hot drinks is also beneficial.

Exercise Often

Do stretching exercises, yoga poses and the like as often as you can. If you’re working from home, it’s a good idea to get up from your desk, chair or whatever and walk around, stretch and allow your muscles and joints to flex.

If you have any gym equipment in your home, treadmill etc, use this. If you go out for a walk, this would be beneficial to be in fresh air under the sun, but please remember social distancing of at least 6 feet.

Food and Diet

Improve your diet. There’s never been as good a time to focus on that as now. Eat plenty of fruits and veg, and minimize eating of junk foods.

Your Lifestyle

With being stuck indoors, it’s likely you can get bored very easily, but think about when you’ve been busy and all the things you’ve wanted to do. Do you have a book you wanted to read? A tv show you’ve wanted to binge? Or what about self helping and improving yourself? Do you run a business, why not strategize and work out what you’re going to do once the shutdown is over. While things are hard right now, there are always opportunities and positives that come out of every situation. What can you do to be the positive that can help you and others?

So while things are tough right now, take stock, stay healthy, eat healthily, exercise and ponder on what your life means and how you can grow. Out of every bad situation comes many good situations and we all have it in our own power to try and make a positive change.

If you are in pain, back pain, neck pain, joint pain or whatever, remember we are here for you. Our practice is continually being cleaned to ensure the safest and healthiest environment possible. We are here to help relieve the burden on our healthcare system and to treat patients with musculosketal conditions. Contact us now for an appointment.

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