Working from Home Springfield? Check Out these 5 Top Tips

Apr 17, 2020Lifestyle0 comments

Working from Home in Springfield

The virus has hit hard and has closed our State down. Many businesses are now closed and has put many out of work. Hopefully this is a temporary measure and we’ll see millions back to work when society slowly comes out again. For many though, work has merely moved to the home and many people are fortunate to be able to continue working. While this is obviously a good thing, it’s important to note that there are issues that can result from it. So we’re going to look at 5 top tips from working from home.

Choosing Your Work Area

Choose an area in your home where you can set your temporary work space up. Try and make it comfortable and nice to be at. If you’re going to be working there, then making things as pleasant as possible will help you achieve this goal. But don’t make it your couch. If you have a spare room that isn’t being used, then that will be most ideal. You want to separate business from home as much as possible.

Disciplining Yourself

Working from home can be very challenging. After all, there are many distractions, such as TV, video games, kids, other chores and so on. So following on from choosing your work area, being away from such distractions will help you significantly. Perhaps you could set up a video connection with a close colleague so as to encourage you both to work in a disciplined manner.

Separate Business from Home Life

This is perhaps the hardest to do. You really need to find what works best for you, but it is important that the lines between work and business do not become blurred. It’s all to easy to pick the laptop up and sit in your living room and work. This isn’t healthy. Firstly it puts pressure on your back as you are sitting at an odd angle to work, and secondly, the place that is meant for relaxation and rest has now become an area for potential stress. This ties in closely with the first two points.

Set up Your Work Area

Remember what your office desk looks like? Talking in terms of the set up, not if it has a bunch of paper work on it. You want to emulate the set up as close as possible, or even improve on it if you can. So a good desk chair that supports you. The right height desk and the position of your computer and keyboard is also important. You want to be looking at your screen without tilting your head down and your keyboard and mouse need to be in a position that isn’t going to put strain on your ligaments. A soft cushion support may even help.

Regular Breaks, Stretches & Exercises

It’s more important now than ever to take a break every hour or so and walk around the house or garden and do some simple stretches. It gives you a break from looking at a screen all the time and helps prevent back and neck ache.

So while working from home may seem a novelty at first, it can still have certain issues and problems if you aren’t mindful of them. Hopefully things will begin getting back to normal in the coming weeks and this won’t be an issue for too long, but taking note of these tips can help lead you to a healthier and happier working from home environment.

Remember, we are open and taking in patients. Call us (908) 325-3000 for more information.

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