Why Communication is Key to Successful Recovery

Dec 30, 2020Chiropractic Care0 comments

Communication is Key to Successful Recovery at Back and Body Pain Relief

We pride ourselves here at Back and Body Pain Relief for being able to treat so many patients from their pain and get them back to full fitness again. Our collaborative care approach enables us to tailor treatment plans to any patient’s needs and get them back to full fitness again. But the treatment is only part of the treatment package. There is another essential component, and that’s communication.

Of course, in our collaborative approach we speak to each other to determine the best treatment protocols for a given condition. That communication also follows through to the patient. Why? Because when the patient fully understands why they are in pain and how treatment will help them, they are able to change any habits that might have caused the problem in the first place.

Moreover, many pain conditions may not actually be due to where the area of pain is. For example, a patient might have a low back complaint and believe that the cause is the low back. When we examine and speak to the patient, we may discover that the cause of the problem is actually in another area of the body. And so we will put focus on that area of the body. If we didn’t explain to the patient what and why we are treating an area away from the pain point, they may become confused and feel the treatment isn’t for them.

Secondly, we often ask patients to perform exercises or stretches at home to help improve healing time. If we didn’t explain why, they most likely wouldn’t bother to do these exercises.

So, we essentially follow a three part protocol when it comes to communicating with patients.

  • We explain what the treatment is, what it will do and why

This helps increase the patient’s understanding by 10% to 20%.

  • We ask patients to stop what they were doing that caused the pain and we ask them to do stretches or exercises at home

This increases patient’s understanding by around 40%. We are really getting to the point.

  • We ask the patient what they are going to do to help themselves.

Essentially we ask the patient to repeat back to us everything we have explained to them. This increases their understanding by 70%.

Communication is key to successful recovery. The physical treatment we provide forms the foundation of recovery, but it’s by communicating with them and helping them understand the reasons for treatment, to help them understand what caused the problem in the first place and to teach them exercises to help expedite recovery which forms a formidable arsenal against their pain.

If you are in pain or are injured, let our collaborative and informative care help you back to full fitness. We will work with you to help treat your pain, improve your fitness and help you understand what is happening at each point of your recovery.

Call us today (908) 325-3000 or schedule an appointment online. We’re here to help you out of pain.

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