What We Can Do with Baker’s Cyst

Feb 22, 2021Legs0 comments

 Baker’s cysts are swellings on the back of the knee, which can be very painful when bending the legs. Did you know that about 94 percent of these types of cysts are associated with an intra-articulator disorder, better known as cartilage tears. They can also be established with but not limited to osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, and ACL tears.

In about 50 percent of healthy adult knees, there is a valvular opening on the inside of the knee joint. This attaches the capsule to a bursa, or fluid filled sac. The swelling makes this fluid flow one way to the inner knee joint bursa and furthermore reduces pressure from the inside joint. This is what usually causes these cysts. 

Here at Back and Body, we can help relieve pain from these cysts by using passive and active care to target the knee joints and surrounding soft tissue. This in turn helps to reduce pain, swelling, and improves your overall function. We want to give you some home exercises that you can do to help relieve pain and swelling from your baker’s cysts. 

  • Standing calf stretch: step back with the leg and flatten the heel to the floor as much as possible. Straighten the bent knee until you feel a firm stretch. Repeat on each side
  • Heel lift: Sit with the flat feet on the floor, then bend the knees at 90 degrees. Lift one heel while keeping the ball of the foot on the floor. Push down on the knee and slowly lower the heel to the starting position. Repeat
  • Sitting hamstring stretch: Sit on the ground with one leg straight out, but keep the heel on the floor. Now bend the ankle and bring toes all the way towards you. Arch your low back until you feel the stretch. 
  • Heel Slides: Lie on your back with straight legs out in front of you. Bend one knee and slide the heel towards your buttocks. Repeat with both legs
  • Wall squats: Stand with your back against the wall and slide down the wall slowly, being sure to keep the toes in front of the knees at all times
  • Side-steps: Place a resistance band around your knees, bend them, and step sideways. Alternate between the right and left foot, while always keeping resistance

Make an appointment with us at Back and Body Pain Relief today to relieve your baker’s cyst pain for good. 

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