Let’s Get Running Again

Apr 20, 2021Exercises0 comments

As we get underway with returning to sports, we want to remind people that we at Back and Body Pain Relief in New Jersey are here for them. Today, we will be going over five tips on how to prevent common running injuries. Remember, If you have any sign of injury, come see us right away to ensure that you get proper treatment so that the injury does not continue.

Tip one: Stretch.

Stretching program can go along way towards injury prevention. This includes stretching before and after a run. Just 5 to 10 minutes before and after each run will make a huge difference. In addition, massage and use of a foam roller will help to stretch out the muscles and further prevent running injuries.

Tip two: Slow and steady wins the race, (not literally).

If you want to run fast, we are not trying to stop you, but as it gets warmer and you start increasing your mileage, increase no more than 10% per week. Going from 0 to 100 means you are at a greater risk for injury, because your body isn’t used to that intensity level yet. Take it slow and build up your endurance.

Tip three: Footwear.

Make sure that your shoes aren’t worn out and that you have the proper model for your feet and running style. An improper shoe can create changes to your gait, which can lead to injury and pain in your feet, legs, knees, and hips. Go to a specialty running shop where you can be fitted for running shoes. Make sure to replace them every 350 to 500 miles.

Tip four: Poor posture.

A good upper body form means staying upright and keeping the shoulders down and relaxed. If your shoulders are hunching you will have more difficulty breathing and your lower back may start to ache during or after the run. Make sure you’re taking time to include core exercises in your training. You can also visit us here at back and body New Jersey do you receive chiropractic manipulation in order to better your posture.

Tip five: Foot orientation.

If you run with your feet pointed out, you are more likely to experience ankle or knee issues. Avoid twisting sideways when running and keep your feet and legs parallel. Try running in a straight line so that your foot placements stay parallel. This will reduce the rotation of your ankles and knees. Keep trying until it feels comfortable to you.

Here at Back and Body Pain Relief, common problems we see with runners include IT band, shin splints, low back pain and more. Make sure to follow all of these tips if you are planning on running the season, and come visit us today to receive treatment for your pain.

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