Check Out Our Blog, full of Useful Tips and Help for Your Injury & Liefstyle Needs.
Our Top 10 Fitness Apps Part 1
At Back and Body Pain Relief, we all love training and workouts. As our practice is heavily geared...
How Many Steps a Day is Enough?
Recently, a few studies have found risk factors for early deaths such as reduced cardiorespiratory...
Foot Pain from the Hips? How?
A hip pain examination will of course include a thorough examination of the hip, but it will also...
How We Diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
It’s surprising that for a condition as common as carpal tunnel syndrome, there is no real...
Back and Body Pain Relief Hamstring Strain
Hamstring strains are hard to diagnose because the pain, which is in the hip and upper buttocks...
These Studies Show How Knee Pain Can be Reduced
How Knee Pain Can Be Reduced Knee pain is a common ailment that affects millions of people...
Stretches to Improve Your Posture
Stretches to Improve Your Posture Slouching is something that we’ve all been told to stop doing....
Predicting Migraines & Identifying Triggers
Migraine headaches can be seriously debilitating. They have an impact on their ability to carry...
Can Chiropractic Care Help Migraine Headaches?
Migraines are recurring headaches which cause hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli which triggers...
Low Back Pain from Cycling in Springfield
Bike rides and cycling is a great form of exercise. But, is it safe for those who suffer from low...