by Dr David Perna DC | Mar 15, 2019 | Legs
Hip pain can not only be debilitating, it can rob you of your mobility. Millions of Americans encounter hip problems and not all are older. Accidents and conditions like dysplasia and bursitis can have a profound impact on the integrity of the hip joints. But not...
by Dr David Perna DC | Oct 16, 2018 | Back Pain
Swiss ball exercises for people in Springfield can really help, especially those suffering from low back pain. Studies have shown exercises with Swiss balls to be very beneficial to low back pain sufferers. In a study published in 2015 in the Journal of Sports Science...
by Dr David Perna DC | Apr 27, 2018 | Lifestyle
Three Essential Things Runners Should Do Before Starting Running It is marathon season now, and most serious competitors are far into training. For those who are not as serious and just starting to get out now that the bad, cold weather is mostly gone, you will want...